Note about freedom of speech ———————————————————————————— Utilized a «microblogging» account in for a while, until August 4, 2024, when posted the following and the thought-police of that platform suspended my account because their authoritarian mindset could not tolerate a way of thinking different from their world-view; this the post: The classification by sexual gender in sports competitions constitutes an indispensable foundation of fairness in such events. Neither the sexual identity nor the sexual preferences of a human change its sexual gender. Making a woman compete against the biologically superior strength, size, speed, stamina, and endurance of men betokens a decadent civilization. #SaveWomensSports #olympics #sport #sexualgender #fairness #fairplay ——|—— Correction to the post: Where it says «sexual identity» should say «sexual gender self-perception». The event described highlights the fact that nowadays the basic freedoms which serve as the foundation of democracy stand under attack from authoritarian persons which regard themselves as entitled to dictate what others may or may not think or say. Such authoritarian cliques not necessarily practice a cult to the personality of a supreme leader; and many of those authoritarian cliques falsely present themselves as «progressives». May this event also serve for everyone to remember that one must never rely on the publishing services of a third party which regards itself as entitled to dictate what its users can or cannot express. -- Anders Baerbock August 2024. [Edited on February 9, 2025.]